Outside: "What kind of Friend are You?" A real friend -
Borrows money and gives it back plus interest, Introduces
you to other nice friends, When sleeping over, sleeps on the sofa,
Keeps a secret and will never tell, Is always positive, urging you to succeed,
Visits you at the hopital when you are ill and even brings flowers, Calls before coming over and brings goodies to put in your fridge,
A fake Friend - Borrows money and borrows and borrows and.....,
Introduces you to the chain gang, When sleeping over sleeps on your bed,
Writes your secret with your phone number on the bathroom wall of the sleaziest bar in town,
Is so pessimistic, it's depressing, Calls you at the hospital when you're ill and asks to be
put on your life insurance policy as a beneficiary, Comes to your home, don't say hello, goes directly
to the kitchen and help oneself to the fridge
Inside: So, the next time you come over, What are you going to bring?.......
otherwise, I'm padlocking the refrigerator door!