Outside: "Places to Visit, Things to see" So many years have gone by, So many memories you will keep, It's so very hard to say good-bye,
Tears of sorrow we will weep, so many faces have come and gone, but yours have lasted on and on, It'll be a shock to us to come in
tomorrow and not see you standing there, We'll still think of
you, In our hearts, we all still care, but Miami is waiting, that golf club needs to used,
we know you'll have fun, keep in touch, we like to be amused, Still, the beat goes on,
The river must flow, The wind must blow, Time to retire, Time to go
Inside: Just imagine retirement as palm trees, a warm breeze, a tequila sunrise, an aloha shirt, a sandy beach.........
Wow! Can you take us with you? Good-bye and Good luck